For the Museums which need a simple, complete and accurate box office system, we realised MEETICKO. This is a certified product for a complete management of the exhibitions and the museum areas:

- ticket issues and single or group reservations
- season tickets
- visitors’ personal data
- guided tours
- agreements and sponsors
- bookshop
- online shop
- automatic access management
MEETICKO provides also essential management tools: personnel management, organisation of guided and didactic tours, real-time control of additional services provided by an external supplier, management of the museum’s collection.
Report unit is the most complete for the museum sector. MEETICKO provides detailed statistics on the revenues, visits to the museum and visitors’ profiles, on the economic efficiency of determined cultural projects and a lot more.
MEETICKO does not need any software installation on workstation PCs, because it is completely web-based and compatible with the most common browsers.
Customers, who chose our solution, increase their efficiency at work, improve management control and simplify significantly their activities. The final result is an important saving for all the company.
MEETICKO is a suite composed by modules which can be customised in order to create a specific solution for every museum:
- ticket office (on the spot and online)
- exhibition and hall management
- digital signage (multimedia kiosk…)
- personnel management with shift and activities planning
- access control for visitors and reserved areas for the staff
- facility management: building and galleries management, planning for the security control in the museum halls
We propose you a demonstration of Meeticko at your office without any commitment. We would be pleased to meet you in person to expose you in detail the advantages and the functionalities of the system.
Please call us at +39040367189 or contact us using the following form: